Tech-fashion FAQs
Can I wash tech-fashion?
Short answer: yes. The products are designed with washing in consideration. Follow the instructions, just like how you'd do so for cleaning other types of clothing.
The electronic components are made either removable or concealed, or the clothes itself only requires spot washing.
Think about normal clothes you are used to. They also require different kinds of washing - machine wash, hot/cold, hand wash, spot wash, dry wash, no need to wash, etc. Tech wearables do not add more complexity if user experience is already considered in the products. Think about how you'd care for a leather jacket or wool.
Even if the electronics are waterproof, the batteries should be removed. There may be more mechanical damages by the washing machine than water damage if instructions are not followed.
See example of how wearable electronics are made removable:
Is embedded electronics sold at Art by Physicist safe?